
Results of Clothing Collection

The clothing collection which was taken this fall by the Social Service Committee is smaller than usual, in spite of the fact that collectors visited practically every college room and that several contributions were received from persons outside the University.

About a ton of magazines and periodicals were collected, most of which came from the Union. These are to be distributed among hospitals, reading rooms and old people's homes in this vicinity. The text books, of which 150 were received, will be placed on the shelves of the Loan Library in Phillips Brooks House. which now contains about 1000 volumes.

One case of clothing has been sent to each of the following charities: Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama; Cambridge Associated Charities; St. James's Parish, North Cambridge; Boston Seaman's Friend Society; Morgan Memorial, Boston; Cambridge City Missionary. A case of shoes has been sent to the North Bennet Street Industrial School, Boston.

One case of books, magazines and papers has been sent to each of the following: Cambridge Hospital; Holy Ghost Hospital, Cambridge; East Cambridge Jail; Dr. J. Dixwell '70, Boston; Morgan Memorial, Boston; T Wharf Seaman's Reading Room, Boston; St. Mary's Home, East Boston.
