Men who attain distinction along academic lines receive little recognition beyond the grades and privileges accorded them by their instructors and the Collage Office. They must, as a rule, get their reward from feelings of personal satisfaction in the accomplishment of their purpose. But although athletics and other undergraduate activities occupy the most prominent position during most of the year, there is one occasion upon which a public recognition of their efforts is granted to those who have as important a part as any others in making this University what it is. This occasion is the award of academic distinctions tonight. These men deserve something more than mere academic honors, land those who have been less fortunate can show their own appreciation by their presence at the meeting.
From a more selfish point of view the meeting tonight commands attention. Even among the host of lecturers who address us, Mr. Wister stands out as a man who distinctly appeals to under graduates, and it will be a pleasure to listen to a Harvard graduate who is a successful and typically American author.
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