Last spring a movement was started to place a memorial to Dean Shaler in the Union. Considerable interest was manifested by graduates and undergraduates, but as the Union was unwilling to start a precedent by allowing a bas-relief to be placed in the building, this project was abandoned. It seems a pity that some form of memorial to Professor Shaler cannot be placed where it will recall his memory to all undergraduates. The bas-relief in the Scientific School and the research fund are very fitting tributes, but their scope is necessarily restricted. If a bas-relief would detract from the home-like atmosphere of the Union, would it not be possible to substitute a portrait? Among the many remarkable qualities which were Dean Shaler's his unfailing interest in the undergraduates was perhaps the most characteristic. For this reason we believe that a memorial to him should be placed where it will be seen by all future undergraduates.
There should be no difficulty in raising the necessary funds, if some organization or body of men will take the initiative. Few men who are now in College came into close contact with Dean Shaler, so that the movement must rely for its support mainly upon graduates who had the good fortune to know him personally. Their number is so great, however, that, once a satisfactory project is inaugurated, its success will be assured.
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