All Seniors and Juniors are urged to consult the provisional list of voters for the 1908 class elections, posted at the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's, Memorial Hall, Randall Hall, Gore Hall, Sever Hall, and in the CRIMSON office, in order that they may report any errors in the list to the Nomination Committee. Juniors are especially reminded that any 1909 men whose names appear on the final list of 1908 will not be allowed to vote with their own class next year. Petitions for changes in the voting list must be placed in the box provided for the purpose at the CRIMSON office before 7 P. M., tomorrow evening. Action will be taken on such petitions by the Nomination Committee, whose decisions will be announced in Monday's CRIMSON.
All petitioners should bear in mind the following eligibility rules: "All men who are candidates for the degrees of A.B. or S.B. in 1908, all men who have received or will receive their degrees as of the class of 1908, and all men who are fourth year special students shall be eligible to vote. In addition, men now in the University who entered with the class of 1908, and who are not officially registered with the class of 1908, may vote. No man who has voted in any previous Class Day election shall be eligible to vote." 1908 NOMINATION COMMITTEE.
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