
Memorial Service at Charlestown

The First Parish Church, Harvard square, Charlestown, of which John Harvard was one of the pastors, will celebrate its 275th anniversary tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. An invitation to the services is extended to the public generally, and a special invitation to all members and graduates of the University. The Rev. Alexander McKenzie '59 will be the principal speaker, and addresses will be made by the Rev. Charles H. Pope of Cambridge, Rev. G. Wolcott Brooks of Dorchester, Rev. C. F. H. Crathern of South Braintree, and Rev. A. E. Dunning and Rev. Allen E. Cross of Boston.

John Harvard was admitted a member of the church on November 6, 1637, and a short time afterward he was made its pastor. There are few records of his ministry, except that he preached and prayed with evidences of strong feeling and affection, and that "his own heart was delighted with his ministrations." He was given the Charlestown parish in 1637, but remained pastor of the church a little less than a year, for he died on the 14th of September, 1638. The church in which he preached stood on the west side of what is now City square, a little less than a block from the young minister's home.
