
Resolutions on Prof. Warren's Death

The following resolutions on the death of Professor Minton Warren have been adopted by the Classical Club:

"Whereas, Death hath struck from us a man whose efficiency as a teaching scholar we valued supremely, whose erudition we knew to be extraordinary, yet whose personal kindness and "patient gentility" in his dealings with us we loved as qualities worth emulating, in our dealings with each other;

"Whereas, Professor Warren created in each of his pupils the feeling that only through taking infinite pains and through perpetuate it to posterity, showing in his own earnest toil and gentle teaching the scholar's high faithfulness to Truth Absolute;

"Whereas, he brought to the Classics something of their own indefinable humanity and left his hearers with a sense that behind all the outward from of language and thought was life, strong, ardent, intense;

"And, whereas, we do grieve at our loss and truly sympathize with his family in theirs;


"We, members of the Classical Club who knew him, are resolved thus to express our grief and sympathy and admiration, both among ourselves and to his family."
