

First Team Scores Twice and Second Once in 40 Minutes of Play.

The University football practice yesterday consisted of a 40-minute scrimmage between the University and second teams, before which there was a few minutes of preliminary work consisting mostly of signal practice. In the scrimmage, the University team scored two touchdowns, and the second one. The practice was characterized by the inability of either team to gain consistently, and by the consequent exchanges of punts which took place throughout the period. Though many forward passes and onside kicks were attempted by both teams, very few of them resulted in gains, while a number of penalties for uncompleted passes were inflicted. However, successful forward passes made possible both of the University team's scores, the first of which was made by M. C. Peirce after recovering a forward pass on the 15-yard line, and the second by Apollonio after Kennard had caught a similar pass on the 5-yard line.

The delayed pass was also tried, but without much success. When gains were made, they were, for the most part, the result of either straight football or end runs. The features of the practice were Newhall's running back of punts and Wendell's gains through the line. Hadden played a good game in the line, and followed the ball well, recovering one forward pass on the 20-yard line. In this case no score resulted, as the backs failed to gain their distance, and an attempt at a goal from the field was blocked.

The second team's touchdown came after two successive penalties had been inflicted on the University team, and some good rushing by Harding. After this touchdown had been scored, the University team seemed to play much harder; but, though they gained ground readily, they were unable to score in the time remaining. During the last few minutes of play a number of substitutes were put in.

Owing to the fact that not enough graduate coaches were present on the field yesterday to make up a full team, the proposed game was not played, although three of the coaches, Leary, Brown and Curtis, did play for a while on the second team. Burr, Starr, and Forster did not report yesterday.

The teams lined up as follows: UNIVERSITY ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. M. Peirce, Browne, l.e.  r.e., Coach Leary, Cooper Kennard, Hadden, l.t.  r.t., M. Gilbert Parker, Gilmore, l.g.  r.g., Ver Wiebe, Plumb Grant, Nourse, c.  c., Dore Brock, Forchheimer, W. Peirce, r.g.  l.g., Davis, Comstock Fish, Inches, r.t.  l.t., Coach Curtis, Jones Houston, Kennard, r.e.  l.e., Miller, Rodgers Newhall, Gilder, q.b.  q.b., Galatti, Cate Wendell, A. Gilbert, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Gregory, Harding Rand, Cutting, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Brown, Graydon Apollonic, White, f.b.  f.b., Somes
