

Football Songs Unsatisfactory.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The mass meeting last night impressed many with the fact that the songs selected by the Song Committee were by no means up to the standard of former years. It is understood that over 40 songs were submitted for trial, and it appears from the results that the Committee must have struggled with a large number of highly inferior compositions. The only other supposition is that the Committee's judgment may possibly have been at fault. There can be no doubt, however, that it those the three least of 40 evils.

In any event it is a reflection on us all that such songs are offered as Harvard's worthiest productions. Let us hope, then, that the Committee will make a new selection, and try in the two weeks that remain to offer us a few songs that at least can be sung. 1909.
