The deciding game of the interclass football series will take place on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. This game, in addition to settling the class championship and the awarding of numerals, will decide the possession of the Graduate Captains' Cups. These cups, which have been presented to the football management by the captains of University football teams in past years, will be awarded to the 11 men who start the game for the winning team. The other members of the team will receive only their class numerals.
The game must be started promptly at 3.30 o'clock in order to ensure its being finished before dark. To obviate all possibility of unfairness or interference on the part of the spectators, it has been decided to call the game off in case anything occurs to disturb the progress of the play.
The line-up of the teams will be as follows:
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Rt. Rev. L. H. Roots in Chapel