Fully two thousand undergraduates marched down to the Stadium yesterday afternoon to see the last open practice for the University eleven.
Starting from Holworthy promptly at 3.30 o'clock, the parade marched around the Yard, headed by the University band, down Plympton street to the river and across the Boylston street bridge to the field. In the Stadium Captain Parker, Coach Crane, and every member of the University team were cheered, after which cheers were also given for the coaches, the substitutes and the second team. While the first team substitutes and the second team were scrimmaging, the songs were practiced. After the scrimmage more cheers were given in front of the Locker Building.
The practice for the first team was lighter than that of the past two days. There was no scrimmage, and, after a short preliminary drill, the signals were run through and the men were dismissed. All of the regular players were in uniform, with the exception of Bird, who watched the practice from the side lines. Newhall was in football clothes, but was not put in the line-up, Starr taking his place at quarterback. Houston ran through signals at left end. It is still undecided as to who shall play left end, but there is strong probability of Houston's starting the game in that position, owing to injuries to the first string men. Macdonald will probably play right end. The team lined up as follows: Houston, l.e.; Burr, l.t.; Parker, l.g.; Grant, c.; Peirce, r.g.; Fish, r.t.; Macdonald, r.e.; Starr, q.b.; Wendell, l.h.b.; Rand, r.h.b.; Apollonio, f.b.
Second Team vs. Substitutes.
A short scrimmage was held between the University substitutes and the second team, in which the former scored twice. Cutting was put in at quarterback for the substitutes as it was deemed necessary to develop another man for that position, on account of the injuries to the regular quarterbacks.
Punts were exchanged after the kick-off, and then by means of a recovered onside kick the ball was secured by the substitutes on their opponents' 20-yard line. It was rushed to the 10-yard line, from where Gilbert scored a touchdown around right end on a double pass. After the next kick-off the ball was put in the second's territory again by Hadden's falling on an onside kick on the 35-yard line. From there the substitutes rushed it to the 12-yard line, where Cutting made a low forward pass to Gray, who scored.
The line-up follows: Team Leaves at 1.15. At 1.15 o'clock this afternoon, the team will leave the Union in automobiles for the Norfolk Hunt Club, Medfield. Tomorrow morning the men will come to Cambridge for lectures, after which they will return to the Hunt Club for practice. They will reach Cambridge on the morning of the game about 10 o'clock. The following men will be taken: Apollonio, Barney, Bird, Brennan, Brook, Browne, Burr, Cutting, Fish, Grant, Hadden, Hoar, Houston, Inches, Lockwood, Macdonald, Newhall, Nourse, Parker, M. C. Peirce, W. Peirce, Rand, Starr, Wendell, Trainer Donovan, Manager Dutcher, Assistant Manager Eggleston
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Rt. Rev. L. H. Roots in Chapel