

Every decade or so a class appears in College which is so far below its predecessors that it does not seem to belong to Harvard. It is perhaps too early to include the present Freshman class in this category, but its attitude toward the class team gives it a strong claim on this doubtful honor. All through the season there has been no apparent interest in the practice or games of the eleven, and last evening at the mass meeting less than one fourth of the class condescended to be present., Rumor has it that most of the class are planning to see the Dartmouth game this afternoon. We can only say to these luke-warm Freshmen that they have three years before them in which they can look upon the University games as their chief interest. At present their duty is to their class team--if indeed they are so indifferent as to look upon the effort of backing their team as an unpleasant duty, rather than as a gratifying opportunity of showing their appreciation of season of hard work.
