

C. L. Lanigan and L. C. Seaverns Vice-President and Secretary.

The following men were yesterday elected officers of the Sophomore class for the ensuing year: president, E. C. Bacon; vice-president, C. L. Lanigan; secretary, L. C. Seaverns.

The total number of votes cast for president was 350; for vice-president, 358; for secretary, 355. The number of votes cast for each man was as follows: president--E. C. Bacon, 208; H. Watson, 142; vice-president--C. L. Lanigan, 201; G. P. Gardner, Jr., 157; secretary--L. C. Seaverns, 198; S. Galatti, 157.

E. C. Bacon, president, comes from Washington, D. C., and prepared at Groton. He played right guard on his Freshman football team and was captain and stroke of his Freshman crew.

C. L. Lanigan, vice-president, comes from Lawrence, Massachusetts, and prepared at Andover. He played on his Freshman hockey team and was captain and left fielder of his Freshman baseball team.

L. C. Seaverns, secretary, comes from Chicago, Illinois, and prepared at the Harvard School of that city. He was on his Freshman track team.
