
New Songs Tried at Mass Meeting

At the second football mass meeting of the year, held in the Living Room of the Union last night, an enthusiastic crowd completely filled not only the Living Room, but the galleries and adjoining halls as well. The long and short cheers were given with great spirit under the leadership of G. G. Ball '08. The old and new football songs were sung under the leadership of L. J. Snyder '08, and were accompanied by Kanrich's Band.

Coach O. S. Cutts L. '03, right tackle of the victorious 1901 eleven, and a member of this year's coaching staff, said that he would make no predictions as to the team's chances at this critical period of the season, but he said that there were some bright spots in the Carlisle game Saturday, one of them being in the center of the Harvard line. Coach Campbell was unable to be present and address the meeting, but he may speak at one of the later meetings.

Seven new songs were tried out last night, including the three which were tried at the last meeting. The choruses of the songs were, in general, much better than the rest, and most of them would be more appropriate for football songs if only the choruses were used. "Smash the Line" is difficult to sing, and "Cambridge Town" is complicated by the introduction. "No Hope for Yale" is simple and has swing, but the close is not so good as the beginning. "The Spirit of Harvard" has a good set of words and a spirited close: while the "Harvard Love Song" has a good chorus and high musical quality. "We're Harvard Men," set to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne," has a great deal of spirit. The "Victory Song," to the tune of "General Grant" is probably the best of the songs tried out.
