
Chances for Philanthropic Work

The Social Service Committee desires to call to the attention of all men in the University the opportunities for philanthropic service which Boston and Cambridge charities present. The Committee has placed a number of men in such work already this year, but still has more applications for help than it can hope to fill. There is exceptionally good opportunity for experience for Medical and Law School men in the work of the Massachusetts General Hospital and of the juvenile courts. Applications have been received for student help from the Dennison House, the South End House, Lincoln House, Hale House, and several other institutions. There is also outside work to be done, such as coaching football and basketball teams, visiting homes in the slums, and conducting home libraries.

Mr. C. W. Birtwell '85, graduate adviser in social service work, will be at Phillips Brooks House this afternoon from 4 to 5.30 o'clock, and at the same hours on succeeding Tuesdays, to consult with men who wish to find places in this philanthropic work. As secretary of the Boston Children's Aid Society, Mr. Birtwell has a wide acquaintance with Boston and Cambridge charities and can find work for any man who wishes it. Members of the Social Service Committee will also be at Brooks House daily from 11 to 12 o'clock to assign men to places where help is needed or to make engagements for Mr. Birtwell.
