

First Team Unable to Gain Consistently or Work the Forward Pass.

The University eleven played the second team in a discouraging scrimmage yesterday afternoon, the former scoring one touchdown. The playing was very loose and crude for this time of the year, and the first team was unable to gain through the second as it should. There was a great falling off in forward passing. This play was worked with considerable success a couple of weeks ago, but yesterday three of Burr's long passes hit the ground without being caught. As a result the University team lost 45 yards in penalties for that play alone. Punts were exchanged frequently on account of the inability of both teams to gain their distance, and Burr had but slight advantage over Coach Daly, who punted for the second. The offense of the University team was weak and their plays usually failed to gain on account of poor interference and team play.

Starr's punt-catching showed improvement, but he was unable to run the punts back because of poor blocking off by the rest of the team. The second's ends, Roosevelt, Cooper and Miller, were down the field every time, and Roosevelt especially did some excellent tackling and followed the ball well. Browne was tried out at end on the University team. He played a strong game and may be developed into a good end. Apollonio was the mainstay of the first team's offense, and, although seldom called upon, never failed to make substantial gains in line plunges.

Shortly after the kickoff the second rushed the ball down to the University's 30-yard line, where Daly punted to Starr. After an exchange of punts, Burr's forward pass hit the ground on the 15-yard line. Aided by a 25-yard run by Cutting, the second got the ball to the University's 30-yard line a second time, where they lost it on a forward pass. The University, after an exchange of punts, rushed the ball to the second's 30-yard line, where Burr made the third forward pass to hit the ground. The team was penalized to the middle of the field and Burr punted to Witmer who fumbled. Starr recovered the ball and ran 25 yards for a touchdown. There was no further scoring, but the second once got the ball on the University's 20-yard line, where they failed in a try for a field goal.

The line-up follows: UNIVERSITY ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Browne, l.e.  r.e., Roosevelt, Cooper Burr, l.t.  r.t., Robinson Hoar, l.g.  r.g., Davis Grant, Nourse, c.  c., Dore, Barney W. Peirce, Brock, r.g.  l.g., Ver Wiebe Fish, Inches, r.t.  l.t., M. Gilbert Houston, M. C. Peirce, Forster, r.e.  l.e., Miller Rodgers Starr, q.b.  q.b., Witmer, Coach Daly Wendell, A. Gilbert, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Butt Rand, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Cutting Apollonio, f.b.  f.b., Gray
