
Additions to Union Library

The following books have been added to the library of the Union:

"Camp and Trail," by White.

"The Literature of Roguery," 2 vols., by Chandler.

"Bernard Shaw," by Jackson.

"Queer Things about Persia, by De Lorey and Sladen.


"The Turn of the Balance," by Whitlock.

"The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne," by Locke.

"Cambridge," by Clark.

"The Romance of an Old Fashioned Gentleman," by Smith.

"Theodore Roosevelt, the Boy and the Man," by Morgan.

"William Blake," by Symons.

"The Crested Seas," by Connolly.

"The Fruit of the Tree," by Wharton.

"Hunting Trips in North America," by Selous.

"The Weavers," by Parker.

"Old Spanish Masters," by Cole.

"The American Revolution," Part III, by Trevelyan.

"The Helpmate," by Sinclair.
