
Review of University Crew Practice

The practice for the University crew during the past week was much the same each day, except for frequent changes in the make-ups of the different boats. Three crews have practiced regularly, rowing usually up the river to Brighton in easy stretches. A very slow stroke has been maintained for the most part. Coach Wray accompanied the boats, directing the men from his single shell.

Yesterday the first crew rowed as follows: Stroke, E. C. Bacon; 7, Richardson; 6, Lunt; 5, Severance; 4, Morgan; 3, Faulkner; 2, Fish; bow, Sargeant; cox., Blagden.

During the week many of the dormitory crews have been organized, and have practiced every day both on the machines and on the river. The number to row from the weld boathouse has usually been about ten, while seven more have gone out from the Newell.
