The Lowell Institute, in co-operation with Harvard University, will offer during the current academic year two free courses of lectures corresponding closely in subject matter, methods of instruction, examinations, and scale of marking with History 1 and English A as given in Harvard College. The lectures will be given in the buildings of the Harvard Medical School at 8 P. M.; the course in General European History, by Professor Charles H. Haskins, on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the course in English Literature, and Composition, by Mr. Charles T. Copeland, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to the two lectures, a week by the instructor, there will be a third exercise in which the student will meet the assistants in small sections for writing tests, discussion and conference. The course will begin about October 7th and continue until June with the usual winter and spring vacations. In subsequent years courses on other subjects will be given.
The courses will be open to men and women and a student may take either one course or both; but no persons will be allowed to attend a course unless qualified to profit by it. If under twenty years of age, they must have graduated from a high school or an institution of equal grade; and if over twenty, must have so graduated or show in some other way a sufficient education. For this purpose, applicants will be required to fill out blanks stating their name age; schooling, the kind and extent of reading they have done, and other facts that will make it possible to determine their qualifications. If the Institute is satisfied of the applicants proficiency, a ticket of admission to the course will be sent.
A student who falls to show sufficient aptitude or diligence, or to attend both lectures and section exercises with regularity may be excluded from the course. Anyone who completes the course and passes the examination satisfactorily will be given a certificate.
For further information concerning these courses application should be made, with enclosed stamped enveloped, to the Lowell Institute Courses, care of the Harvard Medical School, Longwood Avenue, Boston.
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