
Debating Mass Meeting Wednesday

The debating work for the year will be started at a mass meeting to be held under the auspices of the Debating Council in the debating rooms in Dane Hall next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The plan for carrying on upperclass debating during the year will be announced at this meeting and speeches will be made by Professor E. V. Huntington '95 of Brown University, who is conducting Professor Baker's course on argumentation this year, and by S. R. Wrightington '97 and A. C. Blagden '06, former University debaters.

The meeting will be open to all upperclassmen and to members of the graduate departments of the University. The Freshman debating club will be organized shortly after this meeting.

H. Hurwitz '08 has been elected secretary of the Debating Council in place of J. S. Davis '08, resigned.


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