

The Senior class has again decided to adopt class buttons; and however skeptical many Seniors may be as to the actual value of this custom, they should insure it a fair trial. Class buttons in the Senior year seem an unnatural way of bringing classmates together. After living for three years within the University and participating in its various activities, it is not likely that two men who have never before met should be induced by the sight of a button to become close friends. They may, however, be led to recognize each other as members of the same class, and if occasion is offered will be more likely to accost a follow classman than a stranger without the class insignia.

After all is said, the success of this custom depends entirely upon the attitude which the class assumes toward it. It has been tried for two years, and we do not believe that it has met with phenomenal success. Since the present Senior class has declared itself in favor of continuing the custom, it must be because a large number feel that its possibilities have not been fully developed. If such is the case, the class of 1908 should enter very generally into the spirit of the thing, and give future classes good grounds either for adopting or rejecting class buttons by a decisive vote.
