

Dormitory rowing, which was inaugurated two years ago and at once sprang into general favor, has proved one of the most enjoyable of the autumn diversions. It has other possibilities, however, than serving as a pleasant method of taking exercise. Everyone realizes that the material for future University and class crews must be provided for, and that some form of scrub crews is a great help in supplying this demand.

But there is another side--the social side--which should not be ignored. However strongly we may oppose making the dormitory a unit in University life, it cannot be denied that it is desirable that men living in the same dormitory should become acquainted with each other in some natural way. The diversity of interests and the mingling of classes and members of professional schools in many dormitories create a tendency against this, and it is such innovations as dormitory rowing which, when kept in their proper position, will be most effective in combatting this tendency. We trust that the various crews which are now organizing will be as well supported as in the past two seasons, for in order to flourish, this scheme must have hearty co-operation.
