The Brown freshman football team defeated the Freshman eleven, 5 to 0, Saturday afternoon on Soldiers Field. On the whole, the game was rather uninteresting, and the only sensational features were the two successive end runs by MacKay and Young of 30 yards each, which immediately preceded Brown's touchdown. The Brown team greatly outweighed the Freshman and had better team work, but the individual playing of Crowley, Harding, Smith, Barbour, and Corbett was so good, that Brown had only a shade the better of it. The Freshman backs did not particularly distinguish themselves, though Cutler out punted MacKay by a good margin.
In the first half, the ball zigzagged back and forth near the centre of the field and, though Brown rushed farther than Harvard, Cutler's good kicking evened up matters. In the second half Brown outplayed Harvard, though several times the Freshmen got together and gained ground, only in most cases to lose it by a poorly executed forward pass. Only two out of eight attempts at onside kicks or forward passes proved successful for the Freshmen, and in neither of the successful cases was over five yards gained.
To no particular fault of the Freshman team was due its defeat, Brown's weight and team work being responsible for their victory. MacKay, Young and Smith did the best work for the visitors.
The summary: Score--Brown 1911, 5; Harvard 1911, 0. Touchdown--Rankin. Referee--Orr. Umpire--Short. Field Judge--Scudder. Linesmen--Marston and Pulsifer. Timer--Goodhue. Time--20 and 15-minute halves.
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