

University Team Substitutes Strengthen Second's Defense.--Hard Scrimmage.

A thirty-five minute scrimmage was held yesterday between the first and second elevens in which both teams scored a touchdown. The second's touchdown was due mainly to the fact that on the defense, first team men displaced the regular second men at end tackle and centre. The score came as the result of the blocking of Starr's punt on the University's 35-yard line. Nourse recovered it for the second on the 2-yard line. Two line plays were tried, but the University team held. A penalty for offside play then put the ball on the 1-yard line from where White rushed it over through right guard. The first team's touchdown was made when a poor punt by Gilbert bounded back across the goal line where Kennard fell on it.

As a whole the work of the University team was not very encouraging. They kept the ball in the second's half of the field until just before the touchdown was made, but were unable to gain consistently through the second's line, and the long end runs were due chiefly to the individual brilliancy of Starr. On the other hand, the second was unable to gain regularly through the University's defense, there being but one time when any steady gains were made. Gilder played a very fast game for the second and made some clever end runs. In fact, the manner in which the second's backs played together and helped each other in every play was a feature of the scrimmage.

On the first kick-off Fish made a short kick which was recovered by the University on the second's 43-yard line. By means of forward passes and line plays the ball was rushed to the 10-yard line, where it was lost on a forward pass to Grant. Gilbert's kick then rolled behind the goal line and Kennard fell on it for the first touchdown.

In the second play after the next kick-off, Starr punted to Galatti who made a beautiful catch over his shoulder. Somes broke through right tackle for 25 yards, and he and Gilder made 10 yards each in the next three plays. For the rest of the scrimmage until just before the touchdown, the ball was in the second's territory continually changing hands on punts and forward passes but no score was made.

The teams lined up as follows: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Forster, l.e.  r.e., Rogers, Houston. Kennard, l.t.  r.t., Inches, Fish. Hoar, l.g.  r.g., Morris. Nourse, Grant, c.  c., Hadden, Grant, Nourse. Brock, W. Peirce, r.g.,  l.g., Ver Wiebe. Fish, Inches, r.t.  l.t., M. Gilbert, Robinson. Bird, r.e.  l.e., Moore, Browne. Starr, q.b.  q.b., Galatti. Wendell, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Gregory. Rand, Gray, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Gilder. Apolionio, Blumer, f.b.  f.b., Somes, White.
