

The question which has arisen with regard to the touchdown in the Exeter game points out a serious defect in the conduct of our less important football games. The point brought up may have been somewhat obscure--indeed ability to interpret the rules accurately requires very careful study--but it only emphasizes the need of experienced men to act in these important capacities. In urging this, however, we realize the difficulties which beset the coaches and managers of class and second football teams. They have no central board to assign them officials, and many men who have the experience necessary to officiate are unwilling to assume the responsibility of enforcing the rules with which they have not familiarized themselves.

We do not like to criticize the men who have been secured under protest to officiate at the less important contests, and who have done the best they knew how; but it has been evident, especially in past class series, that the officials were unfit to exercise the authority placed in them. If graduate players and men familiar with the game will co-operate with the captains and managers in their efforts to secure officials who will strictly and intelligently enforce the rules, much of the unpleasantness which results form faulty rulings in these keenly fought games will be obviated.
