
I. C. A. A. A. A. Joint Meeting

A joint meeting of the executive committee and the advisory board of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America was held in New York last week. Several reports were looked into, and some suggestions considered. Manager W. G. Graves '06 of the track and field meet, held in the Stadium last June, reported a total profit of $4248.49. The total attendance during the two days of the meet was 5636. Six new records were accepted at the meeting, and one was rejected. The time of 15 1-5 seconds made by Garrels of Michigan in the 120-yard hurdles was not allowed to go down as a record, as it was asserted that a strong breeze helped him. The following were the records allowed:

Mile run--4m., 20 3-5s., by Haskins, U. of P.; 440-yard run--48 4-5s., by Taylor, U. of P.; 2-mile run--9m., 34 4-5s., by Rowe, Michigan; running high jump--6 ft., 3 1-4 in., by Moffet, U, of P.; putting 16-1b. shot, 46 ft., 5 1-2 in., by Krueger, Swarthmore; pole vault--11 ft., 11 3-4 in., by Dray, Yale.

It was also decided at the meeting that the association should assume control of cross-country running in future.
