
Cups Offered by Shooting Club

The following cups-are offered by the Harvard Shooting Club for the best scores this fall: under class A, those who are eligible for the University team, two cups--one for the best average of the season, open to all who shoot 500 or more birds; the other, in the fall handicap, for the winner of the best four strings, shot one each week for the four weeks from October 28 to November 23 inclusive; under class B, those who are ineligible for the University team, two cups, offered under the same conditions. Two other cups are also offered: one, a novice cup, open to all who have not won a prize or an H. S. C., the conditions being the same as those of the fall handicap; the other a scratch cup, open to all who get the best three out of four strings of 25, shot one string each week from October 28 to November 23 inclusive.

These cups will be awarded on the annual fall field day, which will be held on or about November 30.
