

The following table shows the registration in all departments of the University on September 30, 1907, compared with the corresponding day last year. The figures show a net gain of 4 in Harvard College, the considerable gains in the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes being offset by a decrease in the number of Seniors, due to the increasing number of students who complete the work for the degree in three years. The Lawrence Scientific School, which is passing out of existence as an undergraduate department, shows an expected decrease--from 202 to 118; but the Graduate School of Applied Science, which will supplant it, has more than doubled in numbers. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences shows an increase of 18 in the number of resident students. The Divinity School has thus far enrolled 9 students less than last year. The Law School shows a net gain of 17; but a gain of 35 in the entering class. The Medical School, the numbers of which were much reduced a few years ago by the requirement of a degree for admission, shows a gain of 4 in the entering class, and a gain of 21 in the whole School. The Dental School shows a loss of 2; and the Bussey Institution a loss of 20. The net result for the whole University is a loss of 82. If the expected gradual diminution of the Senior class and of the Lawrence Scientific School be excluded, there is a gain of 138 in the whole University.   1907  1906 College and Lawrence Scientific School:   Seniors,  303  385   Juniors,  495  450   Sophomores,  676  694   Freshmen,  630  632   Specials,  220  243   ----  ----   2324  2404 Graduate School of Applied Science,  53  25 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,  343  330   ----  ---- Total Arts and Sciences,  2720  2759 Divinity School:   Graduates,  4  10   Third year,  7  6   Second year,  2  9   First year,  9  7   Specials,  3  2   --  --   25  34   1907  1906 Law School:   Third year,  140  158   Second year,  166  170   First year,  253  218   Specials,  50  46   ---  ---   609  592 Medical School:   Graduates,  9  3   Fourth year,  64  67   Third year,  62  58   Second year,  70  61   First year,  99  95   Special,  1   ---  ---   305  284 Dental School:   Graduates,  0  1   Third year,  23  27   Second year,  21  16   First year,  19  21   --  --   63  65 Bussey Institution,  20  40   1907  1906 Grand total in all departments, except Radcliffe College and the Summer School,  3742  3774
