A meeting of the Intercollegiate Cross-Country Association of Amateur Athletes of America was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, last Saturday. The University was represented by G. Emerson 08, manager of the University track team. The delegates representing Yale and Columbia were the only ones absent. Syracuse University was admitted to membership in the association, and, by a special vote, was permitted to enter a team this year, or with-hold it, without becoming liable for the usual fine. At the same time, New York University was dropped from the association for failure to enter a team, or pay the alternative fine provided in the by-laws last year.
After much discussion, it was decided to add the following amendment to Article IV, Section 5 of the by-laws: "There shall be no interference or assistance on the course during a race, on penalty of disqualification." This clause is aimed to put a stop to the practice of supplying men with water during a contest.
The date for the annual meet, which it was voted last year to hold at Princeton, was set for Wednesday, November 27. The committee for the management of the meet consists of the following: Haveron, Princeton; Cochran, Pennsylvania; and Estee, Columbia.
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