
Lectures on Logic for Graduates

The first meeting of the course of lectures on "Modern Logic," to be given during the first half-year by Henry M. Sheffer 3G., will be held this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in Emerson H. This meeting will be for the purpose of organization only, and hours of meeting will be arranged to suit the convenience of those wishing to take the course. Two meetings a week will be held.

The first part of the course will deal with the Calculus of Classes, Propositions and Relations, and will indicate the relation of this modern logic to the traditional logic. In the second part of the course an examination will be made of the logical foundations of the fundamental mathematical concepts, and such topics as the Definitions of Pure Mathematics, Definitions of Postulates, and Abstract Definitions of Geometry, will be considered. In general the course will treat the subjects which are ordinarily included in Philosophy 15 and Mathematics 27, neither of which courses are given this year. The work will be very elementary, and only a slight knowledge of Mathematics and of Logic will be required.

The course will be open to graduate students in the University and in Radcliffe College. Though the course was given under the auspices of the Division of Philosophy, it will not count toward any degree. No fee will be charged to persons taking the course.

Mr. Sheffer, who will give the course is an assistant in the Division of Philosophy. He received the degree of A.A. from Harvard in 1905, and the A. M. in 1907.
