

In every large audience there is a class of people who feel bound to escape in the shortest possible time after the performance is over. As a rule these persons have more time at their disposal than the rest of the crowd, but they nevertheless rush for the exits, adding to their own discomfort as well as to that of their fellows. A timely illustration of this occurred after the Williams game Saturday, when a large number of brave individuals jumped over the parapet of the Stadium to the track below. They may have gained two minutes over their more orderly neighbors, but this saving in time hardly justifies the risk involved. The more jump is, of course, not difficult, but with an unwieldy and pushing crowd, there is great danger of falling over hurdles and other obstructions, and if one man falls, those who are following at his heels will be unable to keep from piling up on him.

It would, of course, be possible to stop this practice by expensive squads of police, but with the co-operation of the undergraduates such drastic measures should not be necessary. The Stadium is amply provided with stairways, and the brief delay caused by using the proper exits is not of enough importance to excuse such serious accidents as may occur through over-haste.
