
Lacrosse Team Games for the Year

The University lacrosse team will take a trip in the spring vacation and will play its usual round of five or six southern colleges. It will take another trip later in the year, on which it will play Columbia and the Crescent Athletic Club. It expects to have a game with West Point, which will be a new feature, and perhaps one with Yale. There will also be two home games, Hobart and Cornell.

Although for the last two years the material has been good, both years the championship has been lost to Cornell by one point. This year every effort will be used to secure a good Canadian coach. The material this year is excellent and experienced, nine of the twelve men having played last year. They are: B. M. Vance '08, capt., P. B. Francis '08, C. L. Furbur '08, L. D. Cox '08, H. E. Porter '09, D. L. Cobb '09, A. H. Cochrane '09, D. S. S. Sheip '09, E. S. Currie '09. A game with the graduates on October 19 will end the fall season.
