
Books Added to Union Library

The following books have been added to the Union Library during the summer:

The Annual Register 1906.

Appalachian Mountain Club Register 1907.

Goethes Samtliche Werke, vols. 4 and 40.

"A House-boat on the Styx," and "The Pursuit of the House-boat," by J. K. Bangs.


"The Flower of Old Japan," by A. Noyes.

Handbooks of English Literature, "The Age of Dryden," by R. Garnett.

"The Age of Milton," by I. H. B. Masterman.

"The Age of Shakespeare," by T. Secombe and J. W. Allen, vols. one and two.

"The Age of Tennyson," by H. Walker.

"The Age of Wordsworth," by C. H. Herford.

"Fraulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther," by M. J. O. Pless.

"The Life of Froude," by H. Paul.

"The Life of Goethe," by A. Bielschowsky, vol. 2.

"Health and the Inner Life," and "The Greatest Truth," by H. W. Dresser.
