This year, as in former years, H. M. Gilmore, president of the Senior class, has appointed a Freshman Reception Committee with the object of giving beer nights to small groups of Freshmen. The committee will meet in the Assembly room of the Union on Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock, and it is very important that all members of the committee attend. The plans for giving the small beer nights will be explained and the groups of Freshmen will be assigned to the upper classmen.
Each member of the committee will invite ten or twelve Freshmen to his room, and is expected to visit them personally if possible.
After all the small beer nights have been held, in the rooms of the members of the committee, it is planned to have a large beer night in the Union, for the whole Freshman class. This will probably be about the first of December.
The following executive committee has been appointed: H. M. Gilmore '08, chairman; C. Apollonio '08, H. Inches '08, J. D. Pounds '08, C. B. Wetherell '08, L. K. Lunt '09, R. M. Middlemass '09.
The members of the reception committee are as follows:
From 1908, E. S. Alexander, G. G. Bacon, G. G. Ball, H. S. Blair, C. A. Bliss, S. Bowles, I. S. Broun, C. W. Burton, K. G. Carpenter, M. S. Crosby, J. S. Davis, L. P. Dodge, G. Emerson, G. G. Glass, P. Grant, A. W. Hinkel, J. B. Husband, H. W. Hyde, E. R. Lewis, C. R. Leonard, A. B. Mason, F. S. Montgomery, H. L. Murphy, M. L. Newhall, E. V. B. Parke, B. Parker, C. C. Pell, A. W. Reggio, J. Richardson, LeR. J. Snyder, G. S. Taylor, M. B. Van Brunt, M. de S. Verdi, G. F. Waters, J. W. Wendell, M. B. Whitney, J. S. Whitney.
From 1909--E. S. Allen, H. N. Arrowsmith, F. M. Biagden, T. Briggs, S. D. Bush, A. G. Cable, K. S. Cate, B. Crocker, E. P. Currier, T. C. Defriez, G. P. Denny, N. Dougherty, F. P. Farquahar, F. H. Grey, W. Grosvenor, N. K. Hartford, C. W. Harvey, S. Hoar, A. L. Hoffman, R. T. Lee, J. D. Leland, H. McCall, C. J. Nourse, J. A. Paine, H. W. H. Powel, W. G. Roelker, T. Roosevelt, J. W. Simons, W. G. Wendell, J. P. Willetts, P. Withington.
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