
Close Game in Basketball Practice

The practice of the University basketball squad Saturday afternoon consisted of preliminary drill in basket shooting and signal plays and a line-up between the first and second teams, in which the first team won by a score of 33 to 20. In the first half the first team played raggedly and seemed bewildered by the fast work of the second team, for the score at the end of the period was 14 to 9 in favor of the second. In the second half, however, all the members of the first team played well, covering their positions thoroughly and responding to the signals more rapidly.

The summary follows: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Currie, l.f.  r.f., Allen, Broun Broun, Allen, r.f.  l.f., Downey, Mossman Amberg, c.  c., Miles Burnham, l.g.  r.g., Dwelley, Almy Brooks, r.g.  l.g., Marsh, Rounsfell

Score--First team, 33; Second team, 20. Goals from floor--Miles 5, Amberg 4, Currie 3, Brooks 3, Allen 3, Burnham 2, Broun 2, Downey 2. Goals from fouls--Amberg 3, Broun 2.
