The Freshman hockey team will play its first game of the season this afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Arlington High School at Spy Pond, Arlington, weather permitting. The game was originally scheduled to be played in the Stadium, but owing to lack of ice the game will be played in Arlington. In case the game is cancelled a notice will be posted at Leavitt & Peirce's window.
The Arlington team has been playing well this season, and as the Freshmen have shown up favorably in practice this game ought to be well contested.
The teams will line-up as follows: Princeton defeated Columbia at hockey in the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, Saturday evening by a score of 3 to 0. The Sophomore hockey team will play a practice game with Newton High School, weather permitting, at the Brae Burn Country Club, West Newton, this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
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S. Daggett '03 Won Toppan Prize