
Annual Delta Upsilon Play Chosen

The Harvard Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity has decided to present this year, for its ninth annual dramatic production, the Elizabethan play, "The Knight of the Burning Pestle," by Beaumont and Fletcher. This comedy has been very successfully revived several times by various colleges, and was acted some years ago by a company of professional actors in London.

The play was first produced in 1613. The earliest play written as a dramatic burlesque, it is also one of the most famous. The ridicule of the piece is directed against the melodramas of the day, and the extravagant romances which the playwrights of the time were producing. "The Knight of the Burning Pestle" appeared a little after the first English translation of Don Quixote, and there is a slight resemblance between the two in their object and manner of ridicule. The play is very cleverly and freely written and has always been extremely popular whenever produced on the stage.

The rehearsals for the actors will begin immediately after the mid-year examination period, and the first performance, which will be Graduates Night, will be given on April 1 in Brattle Hall. Two public performances will be given in Brattle Hall on April 2 and 6, and a public performance will be given in Potter Hall, Boston, on April 4. It is expected that performances will also be given at Wellesley and at New Haven; but no further arrangements have yet been made.
