
I. C. A. A. Football Rules Committee

At the last meeting of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association in New York, a committee of seven, composed of the same men, with one exception, who represented the Association on the Rules Committee last season, was appointed to communicate with the representatives of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Annapolis and Chicago, who constituted the Rules Committee during 1905, and propose that the two committees be amalgamated into one, which shall formulate rules under which football shall be played during 1907. It was further resolved that the committee elected by this conference should be guided in their actions, regarding changes in the rules, so as to secure the following: an open game, elimination of rough and brutal playing; definite and precise rules of play, organization and control of officials, in order that the rules shall be strictly and impartially enforced.

Such an amalgamation with the old committee will undoubtedly be effected at a joint meeting of the committees, to be held in New York on January 26.

The seven representatives of the Association were elected as follows: Dr. H. L. Williams, Minnesota; Dr. J. A. Babbitt, Haverford; Professor Savage. Oberlin; Lieut. C. D. Daly '01, West Point; Professor Lees, Nebraska; E. K. Hall, Dartmouth; Professor W. L. Dudley, Vanderbilt.
