
Yale Basketball Game Tickets

Application blanks for tickets for the basketball game with Yale, to be played in Mechanics Hall, Boston, on Friday evening, February 1, will be placed today at the office of the Athletic Association, the Co-operative, Leavitt & Peirce's, and several other Cambridge stores.

Applications will be received at the office of the Athletic Association until 5 P. M. on Tuesday, January 22. All applications must be accompanied by bills, money-orders or checks made payable to the Harvard Athletic Association, and a stamped self-addressed envelope. Seats on the floor and the three front rows in the balcony will be $1 each; other balcony seats will be 75 cents. It should be stated whether balcony or floor seats are desired.

The applications will be filled in the following order:

Group I--Holders of season tickets: (a) applications for one seat for personal use only (cheering section); (b) for two seats; (c) for three or more seats.

Group II--Non-holders of season tickets in the above order.
