
Dr. Street in Brooks House Tomorrow

The regular weekly Sunday afternoon gathering will be held in Phillips Brooks House tomorrow from 3 to 6 o'clock.

At 4 o'clock Dr. Lionel Street, ex.-'93, a surgeon at St. Peter's Hospital, Kioto, Japan, will speak on "The Head-Hunters of Northern Luzon," and will show photographs of the natives and of the country. This lecture is a repetition of the one given last Wednesday evening under the auspices of the St. Paul's Society. Dr. Street served four years as district chief medical inspector of five provinces near Manila, where he had many interesting experiences with the savage tribes under his supervision. He will describe the Igorrotes, a tribe of northern Luzon, who cut off the heads of their enemies and use them for decorations in their huts. After the address R. D. Murphy '08 will sing, and tea, sandwiches, and other light refreshments will be served.

All members of the University are invited to attend this meeting.
