

In Gymnasium at 4 o'clock.--Harvard's First Game in Intercollegiate Series.

The University basketball team will play Cornell in the Gymnasium at 4 o'clock this afternoon in its second game of the season and its first in the intercollegiate championship series. As the Cornell team is largely made up of new men, and as it played its first game only last night, losing to Columbia by a score of 27 to 13, the chances slightly favor Harvard.

Since the game with Tufts on Wednesday special attention has been paid to developing the offense of the University team. In the practice last night a long drill was held in signal plays from the toss-up and in passing. The forwards showed some improvement in basket shooting, but were still far from accurate. In defensive work the guards have been consistently strong, but their passing is by no means satisfactory. As a whole the team has shown an inability to play at its best until late in the game.

Admission will be 50 cents, but season tickets for the remaining seven home games will be on sale at the door.

The teams will probably line up as follows: HARVARD.  CORNELL. Currie, l.f.  r.f., Simpson Broun, r.f.  l.f., Avery Amberg, c.  c., Root, capt. Burnham, capt., l.g.  r.g., Clarke Brooks, r.g.  l.g., Burd
