
Text-Book Loan Library Open

The new text-book loan library, which was suggested last year, will be opened in Phillips Brooks House this morning with the books collected by the Social Service Committee at the close of the last College year. About 300 text-books, covering most of the courses in College, were given by men in the University last spring; and these books have been arranged by subjects and will form the foundation of the loan library.

The library is designed for the use of students in the University, who are not able to buy all the text-books needed in their courses. The books will be loaned for the time of a course on the payment of a small deposit which will be refunded on their return.

Beginning this morning applications for the loan of books may be made between 9.30 and 10.30 and 1.30 and 2.30 o'clock at the office on the first floor of Phillips Brooks House.

Members of the University who have text or reference books, which they are willing to give to the loan library, are requested to leave them at Phillips Brooks House, or to send word by postal to R. B. Gregg '07, chairman of the Social Service Committee, Hollis 19. Books are still needed to supply deficiencies in several subjects and to provide duplicates for large courses as soon as possible.
