
Payment of Tuition Fees

Students are hereby reminded that the first instalment of the tuition fee is required to be paid to the Bursar in advance, without the presentation of a bill, promptly at the beginning of the academic year; and that students who fail to make payment promptly are liable to the loss of University privileges until such time as they shall have arranged their financial relations with the University in a manner satisfactory to the Bursar.

The sum required at this time from most students is ninety dollars, but a few Graduate and Special Students whose fees for partial work amount to less than that sum are required to pay in advance their entire tuition fee for the academic year.

By vote of the Corporation, beginning with the academic year 1906-07 a supplementary charge of twenty dollars per course for additional courses will be coupled with the present general tuition fee of $150. An additional course is one taken in excess of the amount required of the student for a full year of work, in which course, by permission, the student assumes the same responsibilities as to attendance and grades, and is entitled to the same privileges, as if his work were limited to the required amount.

Every student will be held to have definitely chosen the courses standing in his list at the end of the third complete calendar week of the academic year, and to have assumed liability for the tuition fees chargeable in respect of the same, whether he pursue all of them to completion or not. Any new course brought into a student's list by change of elective or otherwise after that date will be regarded as an additional course subject to supplementary charge. This, however, will not apply during the first three weeks of the second half year to changes in half-courses beginning in that half-year. First year Graduate and Special Students will be allowed five courses without extra charge.

The fees for additional courses that begin in the first half-year will be entered in the January term bill. Other additional courses will be charged in the June term bill.


Students who in 1905-06 were enrolled in one of the four-year programs of the Lawrence Scientific School will be permitted, if they transfer their registration to Harvard College, as candidates for the degree of S. B. in Harvard College, to do so without incurring the charge of twenty dollars for additional courses, subject, however, to the rule requiring payment of a graduation fee if they complete the work for the degree before having incurred four years' tuition fees. Courses brought into the plan of work of such students after the end of the third calendar week of a half-year will be charged as additional courses.

The rules governing fees and their payment are to be found in the University Catalogue under the various department headings. Reprints of those rules may be obtained at the Bursar's office, where questions regarding them will be answered. The Bursar's office, in Dane Hall, will be open from 9 to 1 daily.

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