

Professor Kuhnemann's Courses.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Permit me to call the attention of Harvard men to the fact that the interchange of professors between Harvard and German universities, which was so auspiciously inaugurated last year by Professor Ostwald's activity here and Professor Peabody's at Berlin, bids fair this year to lead to equally fortunate results. Professor Richards will go to Berlin in the second term. Professor Kuhnemann of Breslau University is with us now.

It is not for me to dilate here on Professor Kuhnemann's inspiring personality and oratorical power; but I cannot refrain from saying that not for a long number of years have Harvard students had such an opportunity, as is offered now by his courses, to be led into the spirit of German literature. Especially his course on the modern German drama cannot help being of the greatest possible value to all those who wish to understand the important intellectual movements which now are stirring Europe.  KUNO FRANCKE
