
Scientific Degrees

Upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the President and Follows and the Board of Overseers last spring voted concurrently upon a new plan for the administration of the degree of Bachelor of Science and higher degrees in Applied Science, and for the better organization of the Scientific School. Under the provision of the new system a degree of Bachelor of Science is now established in Harvard College, the requirements for admission of students intending to become candidates for this degree being the same as the present requirements for admission to the Lawrence Scientific School, and the requirements for graduation being the same as the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in respect to the number of courses, the grade of work, and the length of residence. The new degree of Bachelor of Science, like the degree of Bachelor of Arts, may be taken without designation of any field of study, or upon the completion of one of the four-year programs prescribed by the Lawrence Scientific School in a designated field of study. The latter alternative will be maintained for the present.

In addition to the new degree in Harvard College, a Graduate School of Applied Science has been established as a permanent department of the University. For the present the following degrees will be granted in this school: Bachelor in Civil Engineering, in Mechanical Engineering, and in Electrical Engineering, Mining Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer, Bachelor in Architecture, Bachelor in Landscape Architecture, Master of Science in Forestry, Master of Science in Physics, Master of Science in Chemistry, Master of Science in Zoology, and Master of Science in Geology. A bachelor's degree in arts or science, or its equivalent, is required for admission.

The new organization of the instruction in Applied Science provides in Harvard College, and the Graduate School of Applied Science, jointly, five years of study.

Candidates for the new degree of Bachelor of Science in Harvard College, like candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, are free to elect courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, subject to the regulations concerning choice of studies. It is expected, however, that a student who becomes a candidate for the new degree with the ultimate intention of entering the Graduate School of Applied Science, will select his courses with the advice of the department. For students who do this the period of residence in the latter school is ordinarily two years; but a holder of a preliminary bachelors degree, whether from Harvard or another college or scientific school, whose previous scientific studies fall short of the amount presupposed by a two years' course in the new Graduate School, is obliged to do as much more than two years' work as his deficiencies require.

The new Graduate School of Applied Science and the new degree of Bachelor of Science in Harvard College, concern four kinds of students who are now members of the University, or who received their degrees last June, as follows:


First--Students in Harvard College or the Lawrence Scientific School who received their degrees last June may register today or hereafter in the Graduate School of Applied Science. Other persons of suitable age and attainments may also be admitted by the Committee of the School by special vote in each case, Admission to the School does not imply admission to candidacy for a degree.

Second--Students in Harvard College who have planned to take one of the four-year programs in the Scientific School after the satisfactory completion of 14 courses counting for the degree of A.B. in the College, or after their third year in Harvard College, may pursue this plan by registering in the Lawrence Scientific School as candidates for the degree of S.B. in the field they have chosen.

Third--Students in the Scientific School who are pursuing a four-year program leading to the degree of S.B. in a designated field of study, may continue their work in the Lawrence Scientific School precisely as planned.

Fourth--Students now registered in the Lawrence Scientific School who desire to transfer themselves to Harvard College to become candidates for the new degree on elective courses, or the degree of A.B., are at liberty to do so now on complying with the entrance requirements for candidacy for either of these degrees. Such students may enter the Graduate School of Applied Science as candidates for the higher degrees in Applied Science after receiving the degree of A.B. or of S.B. from Harvard College.
