Wednesday, September 26.
BOARD OF OVERSEERS. Annual Meeting at University 5, 9 A. M.
DEDICATION OF THE NEW BUILDINGS OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL. II. Academic Session. Addresses by the President of the University and by William Henry Welch, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Pathology in Johns Hopkins University. -- Singing by the Alumni Chorus. -- Presentation of the Roll of Delegates. -- Conferring of Degrees. Sanders Theatre, 11 A. M.
The President and Fellows, Overseers, Faculties, and their officers, will meet the Delegates of other Institutions and other specially invited guests at Massachusetts Hall at 10.30 A. M., and proceed to Sanders Theatre, escorted by the Alumni and Undergraduates of the Medical School. Other guests will assemble in Sanders Theatre, where seats will be reserved for holders of white tickets until 10.55 A. M. Holders of brown tickets will be admitted to the Theatre until it is filled.
HARVARD MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Triennial Dinner. Memorial Hall, 2 P. M.
The Alumni of the Medical School and their guests will assemble at Massachusetts Hall at 1.30 P. M., and proceed to Memorial Hall. Tickets for the dinner, at $2 each, may be obtained by all teachers and graduates of the Medical School at Grays 17.
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