

By Phillips Brooks House Association, Catholic Club, and St. Paul's Society.

The annual reception to new students will be given by the Phillips Brooks House Association in Peabody Hall, on the third floor of Phillips Brooks House, on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock.

J. D. White '07, president of the association, will preside, and short speeches will be made by Dean Hurlbut, Coach Reid, J. M. Groves '05, and D. J. Field '07. The Junior quartette will sing and refreshments will be served.

The St. Paul's Catholic Club and the St. Paul's Society will also hold receptions for new Roman Catholic and Episcopalian students, respectively.

Catholic Club Reception Today.

The St. Paul's Catholic Club will hold an informal reception in Phillips Brooks House Parlors this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. All new students of the Roman Catholic faith are invited to attend, and will be given an opportunity to meet the officers and directors of the club, as well as each other.


The patronesses are Mrs. A. A. Carey, Mrs. W. C. Endicott, Mrs. E. W. Perkins, Mrs. Paul Thorndike, Mrs. William Wharton, Miss H. Whiteside, Miss E. F. Carey and Miss O Gorman.

St. Paul's Society Reception Tomorrow.

The St. Paul's Society will give its annual reception to Churchmen entering the University in conjunction with the parish of Christ Church, tomorrow evening at 7.45 o'clock in the Parish House of Christ Church on Garden St.

Short addresses will be made by Dr. Alexander Mann, rector of Trinity Church, Boston; Dr. Van Allen, rector of the Church of the Advent, Boston; Dean Hodges, of the Episcopal Theological School; Dr. W. G. Thayer, rector of St. Mark's School, Professor J. H. Beale of the Law School, and N. B. Greton '07, President of the Society. Refreshments will be served.
