

Richardson and Morgan Tried at 3 and Tappan at Bow.

Changes were made in the University eight yesterday at bow and three. Emmons, Richards, and Morgan were tried at 3 and Tappan at bow. The men who rowed at 3 have been on the University second crew since early in the season, and for the past few days have been rowing in the two four-oared boats. The changes are due to the recent withdrawal of P. W. Flint from the bow position, which has materially affected the prospect of the University crew in the race with Yale on June 28.

Yesterday the members of the University crew went down stream in the launch Veritas from the University boathouse to the Longwood bridge. There, they took their positions in the shell which had been towed behind the launch. Emmons was first tried at three and rowed down stream in the boat for about three-quarters of a mile. In the first stretch the boat listed badly to star-board at the catch of each stroke, but went more smoothly afterwards. On the way upstream Richards rowed half of the distance, before Morgan succeeded him. The boat rode very steadily when Richards was in, but seemed to lack the vigor which was evident when either Morgan or Emmons rowed. The poor showing made by each of the men who rowed 3 can partly be accounted for by the fact that the position in the boat was not rigged to suit them individually, and for Morgan especially by the fact that he has rowed on the port side this year and last. At bow Tappan rowed in his usual smooth form. He will probably be kept in this position and is especially fitted for it on account of the steadiness of his body swing throughout every stroke. Just above the Longwood bridge the men climbed into the launch, and their shell was towed back to the boathouse.

This new scheme of having the crew row only in the Basin was put into effect last week. The purpose is to have all eight men row together as much as possible, and to overcome the trouble of going around the bends in the river.

Only one-four oared crew went out. It rowed down stream almost as far as the Harvard bridge and returned to the University boathouse in the short stretches.

The orders:


University crew--Stroke, Filley; 7, Newhall; 6, Bacon; 5, Richardson; 4, Glass; 3, Emmons, Richards, Morgan; 2, Fish; bow, Tappan; cox., Blagden.

University four-oar--Stroke, Ball; 3, Tilton; 2, Mason; bow, Gill; cox., Whitney.
