
Rev. C. F. Dole Ingersoll Lecturer

The President and Fellows have announced the appointment of the Rev. Charles Fletcher Dole '68 as Ingersoll Lecturer on the Immortality of Man, for the academic year 1906-07. Mr. Dole graduated from Harvard in 1868, taking his master's degree in 1870, and completed his coure at the Andover Theological Seminary in 1872. For one year he was professor of Greek at the University of Vermont. In 1874 he accepted a position as pastor in Portland, Maine, which he held for two years, becoming in 1876 pastor of the First Congregational Church of Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. He has held that position until the present. Among Mr. Dole's writings are "The Citizen and the Neighbor", "Jesus and the Men About Him", "The American Citizen", "The Golden Rule in Business", "Luxury, and Sacrifice", "The Theology of Civilization", and "The Problem of Duty."
