The second and last performance of the "Agamemnon", produced under the auspices of the Department of the Classics, was witnessed yesterday afternoon in the Stadium by more than three thousand people. The weather conditions were perfect, so that the elaborate costuming of the cast and the brilliant stage setting appeared to the best advantage. The acting, likewise, showed noticeable improvement over that of Saturday's performance, particularly that of the Trojan princess, Cassandra, and the queen, Clytaemnestra. F. H. Birch 2L., in the long and difficult role of Leader of the Chorus, executed the part admirably.
At the close of the performance the committee in charge of the play, consisting of Professors H. W. Smyth '78, C. B. Gulick '90, and W. F. Harris '91, were presented with a large wreath of laurel and roses. The individuals of the cast, the members of the committee, Mr. George Riddle '74, who coached the actors, and Mr. J. E. Lodge, the composer of the music, were called out by the long-continued applause of the audience.
Too much praise cannot be given the committee of the Department of the Classics for the unqualified success of their efforts expended on the production of the "Agamemnon." To Mr. Riddle's careful supervision of the individual acting, assisted by Mr. A. S. Hills '00 in the arrangement of the Chorus and of the supernumeraries, is due in great measure the finished performance of the play. Mr. Lodge's music and his development of the chorus, with Mr. B. G. Willard of the Division of Public Speaking, added much to the effectiveness of the presentation.
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