
Yale Game Ticket Sale Tomorrow

There will be a sale of tickets for the first Yale baseball game, to be played here on June 21, tomorrow, from 11 to 2 o'clock, at Leavitt & Pierce's. The sale will be open to all members of the University, and each person may purchase four tickets.

A sale to graduates will be held at the Parker House, Boston, next Tuesday, from 12 to 2 o'clock. Applications for seats from graduates living at a distance from Cambridge will be received by mail up to 6 p. m. next Saturday.

All tickets that remain unsold after the above sales will be put on sale at Leavitt & Pierce's, Amee's and the Co-operative in Cambridge and Wright & Ditson's, in Boston, next Tuesday afternoon.

The price of seats is $1.50 each. H. A. A. and season tickets do not admit to the game. Season tickets give no privileges in purchasing seats.
